Monday, August 27, 2007

Alberto Gonzales's father

From the outgoing AG's comments today, as he announced his resignation...

"I often remind our fellow citizens that we live in the greatest country in the world and that I have lived the American dream. Even my worst days as attorney general have been better than my father’s best days."

Is he lifting this directly from a Horatio Alger dime novel? It just doesn't seem to fit. Imagine for a moment...Gonzales's worst day (visualize Chuck Schuman, calling you out for being a liar on national television). Now if we're to believe him, just imagine what kind of hell his father must have lived as a construction worker in Texas.

I know it's hyperbole, and the guy is obviously preoccupied with status/wealth, but it still seems pretty dismissive of the American working class and the lifestyle that they can afford. "Thinking of relaxing with the family this weekend? Don't bother, any joy or feelings of contentment that you experience will be a figment of your imagination. Just keep working. When you have wealth, you'll understand."

Then again, he's a lawyer, and while he may have wanted us to infer it, technically he didn't say that his father's lower socio-economic status had anything to do with why he was so miserable. Maybe there's another explanation: just imagine being a parent in that household if Alberto's seven siblings were all as frustrating as he is.

I hope that he'll still be prosecuted for perjury. It might help him to understand the benefits of an honest living.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Heatmiser at a wedding in 1992

For any Heatmiser/Elliot Smith fans. They're playing the song "Dead Air" from the album of the same name. The weird thing about this is that I got a tattoo from a woman (I think it was Infinity Tattoo) in '92 or '93, and we were talking about bands and I mentioned that I had been going to a lot of Heatmiser shows. She was a friend of the band, and if I remember correctly, she said that Heatmiser had recently played at her wedding. I doubt they played many wedding gigs. I don't know who posted this, but it brought back some memories.